Outstanding SRT Reviewer Award für Dr. Julian Felix Kopka auf der AAA 2025
Outstanding SRT Reviewer Award für Dr. Julian Felix Kopka auf der AAA 2025
Büro: O.12.13 I Telefon: +49 202 439 3344 I Mail: bruns{at}wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de
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Best Paper Award – Best Student Paper, 2024, European Advertising Academy, International Conference on Research in Advertsing, Thessaloniki, Greece, Rohrbach, S. / Bruns, D. / Langner, T.: „The Carousel Effect: Leveraging Sideways Swiping for Enhanced Ad Effectiveness in Social Media”.
Best Paper Award – Best Student Paper, 2024, American Academy of Advertising, AAA Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, Rohrbach, S. / Bruns, D. / Langner, T.: „When Swiping Bites Back: Why Atypical Smartphone Swiping Increases Attention but Decreases Brand Memory“.
Best Paper Award – Best Conference Paper, 2023, American Academy of Advertising, AAA Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, Bruns, D. / Prior, S. / Langner, T.: „Influencer Marketing Effectiveness: Automated Measures of User’s Social Media Engagement toward Influencer Posts as Indicators of Attitudinal and Behavioral Outcomes“.
Nominierung für den Best Paper Award, International Conference on Research in Advertsing (ICORIA) 2022, Prag, Tschechische Republik, Bruns, D. / Prior, T.: „Creating Effective Influencer Campaigns Through Verbal and Pictorial Post Design: Effects on Attention, Memory, Attitude, and Purchase Intention“, mit Steffen Prior.
Nominierung für den Best Paper Award, International Conference on Research in Advertsing (ICORIA) 2018, Valencia, Spanien, Bruns, D. / Langner, T. / Bergkvist, L.: „When Your Celebrity Endorser Turns Into Dracula: The Vampire Effect Revisited”.
Nominierung für den Preis der Deutschen Marktforschung - Nachwuchsforscher 2017, BVM/VMÖ/vsms.
Auszeichnung mit dem FABU Dissertationspreis 2016, gefördert von der der Thomas Meyer-Stiftung.
Auszeichnung mit dem Abschlussarbeitenpreis des Schumpeter School Alumni e.V.
Rohrbach, S. / Bruns, D. / Langner, T. (2024): „The Vampire Effect of Atypical Smartphone Swiping: Atypical Motor Actions Increase Attention but Impair Brand Recall in Social Media Advertising“ in: International Journal of Advertising (in press).
Bruns, D. / Kopka, J. F. / Borgmann, L. / Langner, T. (2024): „How to Measure Digital Attention: Validating Viewport Logging via Mobile Eye-Tracking as a Measure for Gaining and Holding Attention in Social Media”, in: Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) of the European Advertising Association, Thessaloniki, Griechenland.
Rohrbach, S. / Bruns, D. / Langner, T. (2024): “The Carousel Effect: Leveraging Sideways Swiping for Enhanced Ad Effectiveness in Social Media”, in: Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) of the European Advertising Association, Thessaloniki, Griechenland.
Blomberg, B. / Bruns, D. / Langner, T. (2024): “How to Persuade Young Talent for a Social Vocation? Exploring the Impact of Happiness Benefit and Testimonial Type on Vocational Interest in an Online Field Experiment”, in: Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) of the European Advertising Association, Thessaloniki, Griechenland.
Bruns, D. / Kopka, J. F. / Borgmann, L. / Langner, T. (2024): „Using Viewport Logging to Measure Gaining and Holding Attention Toward Social Media Ads: A Validation Via Mobile Eye-Tracking“, in: Proceedings of the EMAC, Annual Conference of the European Marketing Association, Bukarest, Rumänien.
Rohrbach, S. / Bruns, D. / Langner, T. (2024): „The Impact of Atypical Smartphone Swiping on Attention and Brand Recall in Social Media“, in: Proceedings of the EMAC, Annual Conference of the European Marketing Association, Bukarest, Rumänien.
Bruns, D. / Langner, T. / Bergkvist, L. (2024): „Vampires with Beauty Biases: A Critical Investigation of Celebrities’ Impact on Attention and Attitudes“, in: Proceedings of the AAA Annual Conference, American Academy of Advertising, Portland, Oregon.
Langner, T. / Bruns, D. / Rossiter, J. R. (2024): „Breaking Through the Clutter: Brand Names That Effectively Communicate What a Brand Stands For“, in: Proceedings of the AAA Annual Conference, American Academy of Advertising, Portland, Oregon.
Rohrbach, S. / Bruns, D. / Langner, T. (2024): „When Swiping Bites Back: Why Atypical Smartphone Swiping Increases Attention but Decreases Brand Memory“, in: Proceedings of the AAA Annual Conference, American Academy of Advertising, Portland, Oregon (AAA Best Paper Award – Best Student Conference Paper).
Bruns, D. / Prior, S. / Langner, T. (2023): „Influencer Marketing Effectiveness: Automated Measures of User’s Social Media Engagement toward Influencer Posts as Indicators of Attitudinal and Behavioral Outcomes“, in: Proceedings of the AAA Annual Conference, American Academy of Advertising Denver, Colorado. (AAA Best Paper Award – Best Conference Paper)
Langner, T. / Bruns, D. / Rossiter, J.R. (2023): „How to Successfully Design Suggestive Brand Names: An Integrated Psycholinguistic Framework“, in: Proceedings of the EMAC Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark.
Rohrbach, S. / Bruns, D. / Langner, T. (2023): „Swiping Styles and Attention: The Impact of Hand Movements on Attention to Social Media Advertising“, in: Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) of the European Advertising Association, Bordeaux, Frankreich.
Bruns, D., Prior, S., & Langner, T. (2023): „Social Media Engagement Metrics as Indicators of Influencer Campaign Success“, in: Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) of the European Advertising Association, Bordeaux, Frankreich.
Bruns, D. / Prior, S. (2022): “Creating effective influencer campaigns through verbal and pictorial post design: Effects on attention, memory, attitude, and purchase intention”, in: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) of the European Advertising Association, Praha, Czech Republic. (nominated for Best Paper Award)
Bruns, D. / Prior, S. (2022): “Engagement quality: An automated measure of user responses to social media marketing posts to indicate marketing performance”, in Proceedings of the EMAC Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Hungary.
Bruns, D. / Langner, T. / Bergkvist, L. (2019): „A double-edged sword?! The impact of celebrity endorsements on attention and attitude toward the ad”, in: Proceedings of the AMA Winter Academic Conference 2019, Austin, Texas.
Langner, T. / Bruns, D. / Fischer, A. / Kühn, J. (2019): „Messung und Management von Markenliebe”, in: Esch, F.-R. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Markenführung, Springer, Wiesbaden.
Bruns, D. / Langner, T. (2019): „Your fame, my gain!? Uncovering celebrity endorsers’ impact on brand recall", in: Proceedings of the 18th ICORIA, Krems, Österreich.
Bruns, D. / Langner, T. / Bergkvist, L. (2018): „When your celebrity endorser turns into Dracula: The vampire effect revisited", in: Proceedings of the 17th In-ternational Conference on Research in Advertising, Valencia, Spanien. (nominated for Best Paper Award)
Bruns, D. (2018): „G-Klasse: Was macht eine Ikone aus?”, in: Daimler Blog, 22.01.2018.
Bruns, D. (2018): „ G-Class: What are the attributes of an icon?”, in: Daimler Blog, 22.01.2018.
Bruns, D. / Langner, T. / Fischer, A. (2017): „The Origins of Brand Love: A Typology of Starting Points”, in: Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management 39(2), S. 38-48.
Langner, T. / Bruns, D. / Fischer, A. / Rossiter, J. R. (2017): „Falling in love with brands: a dynamic analysis of the trajectories of brand love", in: Proceedings of the 5th International Consumer Brand Relationships Conference, Porto, Portugal. (invited)
Bruns, D. / Langner, T. (2017): „A dynamic, event-related analysis of brand relationships”, in: Proceedings of the ANZMAC 2017 Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Langner, T. / Bruns, D. / Fischer, A. / Rossiter, J. R. (2016): „Falling in love with brands: a dynamic analysis of the trajectories of brand love", in: Marketing Letters, 27(1), S. 15-26.
Langner, T. / Christ, M. / Fischer, A. / Bruns, D. (2016): "Markenliebe", in: Posselt, E. (Hrsg.): Marke neu denken, Springer Verlag, S. 84-95.
Langner, T. / Bruns, D. (2016): „Warum es Markenliebe gibt: Vier Gründe und vier Missverständnisse", in: Absatzwirtschaft, Heft 10, S. 58-61.