Brand names

Brand names have become an integral part of everyday life in today's consumer society. They are taken for granted when people ask for a "Tempo" instead of a handkerchief or eat "Nutella" instead of nut nougat cream. Behind the brand name stands the individual brand knowledge (operationalised by brand awareness and brand associations) of a consumer. However, within these memory structures, often only the name can be precisely verbalized.

Building on the existing findings of brand name research (cf. with the keywords Brand Name Recall, Sound Symbolism, Alpha-Numeric Brand Names, Brand Name Extension), this seminar will examine the question of how brand names can effectively support the development of brand knowledge in today's world. The development towards a strong brand already begins with a powerful name.

Recommended starting literature:

  • Arora, S.; Kalro, A. D.; Sharma, D. (2015): “A comprehensive framework of brand name classification” in: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 22 Issue 2, S. 79-116
  • Collins, L. (1977): „A Name to Conjure With – A Discussion of the Naming of New Brands“ in: European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 11 Issue 5, S. 337-363
  • Swaminathan, V.; Sorescu, A.; Steenkamp, J.-B. E. M.; O’Guinn, T. C. G.; Schmitt, B. (2020): “Branding in a Hyperconnected World: Refocusing Theories and Rethinking Boundaries” in: Journal of Marketing, Vol. 84 Issue 2, S. 24-46
  • Keller, K. L.; Swaminathan, V. (2020): “Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equity” 5. Aufl. Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited. ISBN 1-292-31499-0